When you log in to an organizer's Tickster page, you will see information about the ticket pots purchased in your name. Log in, for example, at my.tickster.com and select the relevant organizer/club in the upper right corner.
If you click on Manage ticket pots, all your ticket pots will be listed.
Click on the button Use in the webshop for the ticket pot you wish to use. In the webshop, the process is the same as a regular purchase, i.e. you first select a match and then choose one or more seats. When you go to the shopping cart, you only need to complete the purchase. The personal information is pre-filled and the purchase amount will be zero SEK.
Back in MyTickster, the purchase will now be listed under Recent transactions.
By clicking on More information, you can see the contents of the purchase and download the tickets if desired.